Water on The Rock

Jesus answered her, “If you knew [about] God’s gift [of eternal life], and who it is who says, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him [instead], and He would have given you living water (eternal life).”

God gave us many gifts, the greatest gift is His sacrifice of atonement, by sacrificing His Beloved Son so that we may have eternal life.  Jesus Christ, came with the purpose to give us the gift of life and reconciling us with The Father and Himself, the intended design. 

Then God said, “Let Us (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) make man in Our image, according to Our likeness [not physical, but a spiritual personality and moral likeness]; and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle, and over the entire earth, and over everything that creeps and crawls on the earth.”

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor--Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever--  the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive [and take to its heart] because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He (the Holy Spirit) remains with you continually and will be in you.
JOHN 14:16‭-‬17 AMP

When we journey in Christ, He teaches us  through His Holy Spirit in order for us have a greater understanding.  I would like to share what stood out in  thematic revelations received over the past year as I believe that The Word of The Lord is not just for the individual but also to give hope and strengthen the Body of Christ. 

He Pulls Back Oceans

He’s the one who pushed back oceans to let the dry ground appear, planting firm foundations for the earth.
Psalms 24:2 TPT

In May 2017, I dreamt that I was standing on the shore of the sea. I walked towards the water and as my feet touched the water there was a reaction,  seaweed shot up out of the water. I stood back thinking that this seaweed can actually entangle me or anyone else in the water.

I went back to the shore but faced the ocean, I realized that I was not alone.  On my left stood a friend and on my right was what I believe a messenger of God indicating that I have to look at the sea.
Suddenly the ocean pulled back completely and immediately shifted to the left, just to explain, if I would turn my body to the left, that would be the new front.

I then found myself in what looked like a cable car accompanied by the Lord's messenger. The cable car moved parallel to the right.  I could see the the ocean rushing out of the new direction and moving toward mountains and wasteland areas that has not received rain or water.

As I mediated upon this Word of God, I was focused on the dry grounds. Our country did not experienced a good rainfall during that time and I felt led to interceed. A couple of days later the Holy Spirit reminded me again about the dream but the focus was no longer on the wasteland.  I realized that the power of The Lord was displayed as the water would come out of a new direction suddenly and swiftly.

I believe that this Word also tells us not to be focused on our own personal wastelands. God is able to move swiftly and suddenly out of a new direction to meet every need and let new things spring forth in our lives.  As we believe in Him, He will nurture our faith as well.
Faith empowers us to see that the universe was created and beautifully coordinated by the power of God’s words! He spoke and the invisible realm gave birth to all that is seen.
Hebrews 11:3 TPT

Move Upon The Water

The earth is the Lord ’ s , and the fullness of it, The world, and those who dwell in it. For He has founded it upon the seas And established it upon the streams and the rivers.
PSALM 24:1‭-‬2 AMP

In October 2017, I dreamt where I found myself wind surfing on sea. I enjoyed it so much, it was thrilling. I looked down and noticed that I did not have a surfing board under my feet and while I'm surfing I thought I should probably get a surf board but before I could react to that thought I was no longer surfing but standing on the water looking at some activities taking place on the water.

As I looked back over my shoulder a tidal wave was erected behind me but not moving.  I remember saying to myself "if the wave moves I will be ready to move with it".  In this same dream I found myself going off to a school or training centre.

That very same day I received this dream  a post on Elijah's List, a international prophetic site where The Word of Lord gets posted, the dream I had was also received and explained by someone else.  I realized that the Lord just confirmed His message to me and I seeked to get greater understanding. 

In November 2017 this dream was again confirmed by my mentor, while in prayer and fellowship.

Jesus Christ, as Our Living Water and Fountain of Life seeks to teach us from His point of view when we allow His direction and teaching in our lives.  His Spirit of Truth seeks to develop our faith.  The water and sea signify the move of The Holy Spirit as well as our destiny - created in the Image Of God referring to spiritual and moral likeness.

Water On The Rock

Very recently during fasting I dreamt of people dancing joyously on the ocean and noticed someone that looked like the lead dancer sitting on the rock showing me bottled water poured out upon the rock. 
The water upon the rock may refer to a recent water fast.  Jesus Christ is the Rock that we should build on, He alone should be our foundation. 

Various sitations in The Bible shows that God literally provided water for His people out of a rock.  When young Ismail was crying in the wilderness, when Samson defeated the the Philistine in battle, he almost died of thirst... but water was provided out of the ground.  Moses and the Israelites also received water out of a rock!

It is evident that God is watching us closely and He is aware of our every need.  He wants us to trust Him and have faith in His infinite power to display His glory in and through our lives.   We should aim to have bold and courageous faith in the Most High God.


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