
Showing posts from February, 2018


'God claims the world as His. Everything and everyone belongs to Him!  He's the one Who pushed back oceans to let the dry ground appear, planting firm foundations for the earth.' Ps. 24: 1-2 The Passion Translation (Image found on pinterst saved from In July 2017 I dreamt of standing infront of the ocean and as I was looking over the beautiful display of the works of God, I saw the ocean being pulled back and then suddenly the ocean shifted. The water came rushing out of a different direction and reached new areas that it did not reach before.  As I meditated on this revelation and asked the Lord what He was revealing to me in this dream.  I clearly and on several occasions, received the explanation in Isaiah 43... 'This is what the Lord says, He who makes a way through the sea And a path through the mighty waters, “Do not remember the former things, Or ponder the things of the past. “Listen carefully, I am about to do a new

Come Have a Drink

The Wonderful Creator gently invites us to have a relationship with Him.  He never promises that life will be super easy but He invites us in order to teach us and equip us to overcome this world system. And He said to me, “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the one who thirsts I will give [water] from the fountain of the water of life without cost. REVELATION 21:6 AMP In the beginning of a new year, we look back at the year that passed.  I believe everyone will be able to point out one good thing that happened to them. It may be that you've met new people... learned a new skill or got promoted. Whatever the case may be... looking back at some random moments or events, may only just now, be meaningful. The same applies to the disappointments we may have experienced... It's funny that when the good things happens they are remembered but the feeling of those awesome moments fade quicker then the

We Qualify

Today I am truely grateful that the Lord do not look at us the way we look at each other or even the way we look at ourselves. 'And, remember that judgement is merciless for the one who judges others without mercy. So by showing mercy you take dominion over judgement.' James 2: 13 The Passion Translation God's mercy is new every day! The mercy and grace of God triumphs over judgement. 'For it was only through this wonderful grace that we believed in Him. Nothing we did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the gracious gift from God that brought us to Christ! So no one will ever be able to boast, for the salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving.' Ephesians 2: 8-9 The Passion Translation We put ourselves under tremendous pressure when we try to be perfect... He knows everything about us, our thoughts and our hearts. He can see what others cannot see.  We often have a extended date or refer to one day I will live a rightu